Meet Our Staff

Move Minneapolis is a program of the Minneapolis Regional Chamber located in the Young Quinlan building at 81 South 9th St, Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55402. The Move staff stays in close contact. What can we do for you?

Vice President of Mobility for the Minneapolis Regional Chamber and Executive Director of Move Minneapolis
Tiffany Orth
[email protected]

Meet Our Advisory Board

Move Minneapolis is guided by a group of public, private and civic leaders dedicated to connecting and serving communities by advancing a sustainable, multi-modal transportation system.
Drinal Foster, Wells Fargo
Jenairo Thornton, Minneapolis Public Schools
Kathleen Mayell, City of Minneapolis Public Works
Laura Monn Ginsburg, Apparatus
Ben Shardlow, Downtown Improvement District
Irene Fernando, Hennepin County Commissioner, District 2 and Board Chair
Sara Hage, HNTB
Steve Arnold, Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association
Todd Peterson, NMDP
Megan Krohn, Minneapolis-St Paul Business Journal