Vanpool – Commuting Together Has Benefits!

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Vanpooling is ideal for long-distance commuting!

Metro Vanpool is a great commuting option those who reside or work in the seven-county metropolitan area and in areas that do not have transit service. Vanpools are a cost-effective way for 4 – 15 people who live near each other to commute together. Share a ride to work in a recent-model SUV, crossover or van provided by Commute With Enterprise. Everyone splits the costs and driving duties, saving you valuable time and money.

For employers vanpooling is a way to provide their employees a better low-stress commute. Vanpooling helps fill the gaps for employees who live outside of transit service areas. By sharing a ride, employees arrive to work relaxed and recharged, fueling a better company culture for everyone. Vanpooling reduces the number of parking spaces needed or contract parking costs.

Commuting with friends is much more fun than driving along

Why vanpool?

  • Far less expensive than driving alone
  • Toll-free E-ZPass lanes on I94, I35W and I35E (Soon on I-494!)
  • Free vanpool parking at ABC Ramps
  • Newer model SUVs, vans, or crossovers filled with amenities
  • Door-to-door or park-and-ride options
  • Qualifies for IRS Commuter Tax Benefit
  • Dramatically reduced pollution impact
  • Passengers have time to work, read, stream, chat or nap
  • Vanpools are known to promote life-long friendships
  • Volunteer drivers earn extra driving privileges and commute free!

Who can vanpool?

Participants must live or work in Hennepin, Ramsey, Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Scott or Washington county.

Vans must carry at least four people (including the driver) who share the ride three or more days a week.

Vanpool costs

The average cost is $110 per month per vanpooler. The Metropolitan Council subsidizes 55% vanpool costs in the seven-county metropolitan area. In some cases, employers also help cover vanpool expenses.

Driver benefits

Volunteer drivers ride free in exchange for driving and coordination responsibilities. Primary drivers can use the Metro Vanpool van for some personal trips (up to 250 miles per month). Primary drivers and back-up drivers receive an annual stipend ($100 and $50, respectively) after six months of driving.

Getting Started

Move Minneapolis Customized Consultations

Move Minneapolis offers Customized Consultations for anyone who has questions about transportation options downtown. Schedule a free 15-minute virtual/phone transportation consultation session now.

We’re here to answer all your commuter and transit questions

Take the next step! There is no charge for Move Minneapolis’ consultations or services whether you’re an individual, business or nonprofit organization. Reach out today to explore the many ways we can help you solve your transportation challenges.

You can also contact us directly at [email protected] or 612-370-9121.

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What we do

Move Minneapolis is a leader in sustainable commuting. We help downtown Minneapolis employers maximize success and employee satisfaction while reducing drive-alone commutes. We guide building owners and managers in implementing world-class commuter amenities. And we advocate for commuters and residents who wish to live their green values every day.

Please join us in moving Minnesota in a new direction, one commuter at a time.

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Young-Quinlan Building
81 S 9th St, Suite 200
Minneapolis, MN 55402

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[email protected]